Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics


The pharmacology is the science concerned with all aspects of the action of drugs and other chemicals on living systems. Its primary aim is the discovery of chemical mechanisms by which cellular and molecular functions are regulated for the purpose of understanding how existing drugs act and to develop new drugs for treatment and diagnosis of human diseases.

Department of Pharmacology is one of the enriched and dynamic preclinical department situated at the eastern side of the main building of Rajshahi Medical College. It consists of lecture gallery, tutorial class rooms, and experimental and clinical Pharm- acology research laboratories.

This department strives to train undergraduate and post graduate (M. Phil) students in Pharmacology. In 2002 the post graduate M. Phil course has started under the University of Rajshahi and now it is running under BSMMU. The post graduate M.Phil students undertake and research projects in addition to their teaching work. With well- qualified and experienced teachers guiding them, students can look forward to an interesting

We believe that a good physician has to be a good pharmacologist too. We help our students to gain a thorough knowledge of medications, such as various routes of drug administration, mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, adverse drug reactions and dosage schedules.

Students understand the general principles of drug action and select to prescribe suitable drugs according to the need of the patient. They are guided to use rational drug combinations judiciously in the best interest of the patient. Students are made to appreciate the essential drug concepts and translate that in terms of drug needs for a given community.


Departmental presentation: Once a week

Central presentation: Once a year.

Ongoing research activities:

  1. Efficacy and safety of empagliflozin as add-on therapy in patients with uncontrolled type-2 diabetes mellitus.
  2. Comparison of effects of conventional medical management and ivabradine plus conventional medical management on quality of life in patients with chronic heart
  3. Comparative study on renoprotective effect of telmisartan and losartan in reducing protenuria in patients with diabetic
  4. Comparison of the effects of cilnidipine and amlodipine on mild to moderate hypertension and incidence of pedal oedema.
  5. Sputum smear conversion and its association with Hb, calcium, and magnesium status among pulmonary TB patients admitted in Chest Diseases Hospital
  6. Serum uric acid level association with prediabetes and Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus in a tertiary level hospital Rajshahi.
  7. Evaluation of oxidative stress in benign prostatic hyperplasia patient before and after treatment with
  8. Study of magnesium level in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus patient attending in Rajshahi Diabetic Association General
  9. Evaluation of prognostic significance of serum magnesium in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
  10. Measurement of oxidative stress and total anti oxidant capacity in hyperthyroid patients following treatment with carbimazole and antioxidant.

Weekly departmental meeting: Once a week.

Post graduate course: MPhil (Pharmacology)


SLPost NamePostPostedComments
01Professor010101 Contract based
01Associate Prof.0101No Vacancy
01Asstt. Prof.0202No Vacancy
01Lecturer0606No Vacancy
01Medical Officer010201 OSD

Head of Department

Professor Dr.Sabiha Yeasmin

Professor & Head of the Department 

Faculty Members