Department of Transfusion Medicine



In 1950, Dr. Muhammad Atab Uddin established the 1st Blood Bank at Dhaka Medical College Hospital in Bangladesh. Later in 1968 a Blood Bank was opened at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman established the Central Blood Transfusion Service Center at IPGM&R (now BSMMU) Dhaka in 1972. In 1952, the Executive Committee of the 1st Blood Transfusion Service Committee was formed. In 1976 the government formed the Bangladesh National Council of Blood Transfusion Service. Blood Transfusion Society of Bangladesh was formed in 1989.

The DBS&T (Diploma in Blood Group Serology and Transfusion) course was opened in 1972 under Dhaka University. MTM (Masters in Transfusion Medicine) and MD (Doctors of Medicine) courses were opened in 1997 under Dhaka University and in 1997 under BSMMU, MCPS and FCPS degrees were opened from BCPS in 2007. Following the publication of Bangladesh Gazette 1995, 2002, 2005 Act, SRO No. 145-Act/2008-Safe Blood Transfusion Act, 2002, the Government, in consultation with the National Safe Blood Transfusion Council, enacted the “Safe Blood Transfusion Rules 2008”.

Transfusion Medicine Department of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, giving 24 hrs. emergency service to the blood donors, indoor patients, non-govt. clinics & hospital. It also giving service to OPD patients & day care transfusion patients during day time. Department gives services regarding patient’s & donor’s blood grouping, screening & cross matching, patient’s irregular antibody detection, warm & cold autoantibody detection, Coombs’ test, haemolysin test, Du test, blood component preparation, blood donor selection, motivation & counseling with post donation care & refreshment to the donor. Department also provides teaching programme for undergraduate & post- graduate students as well as training programme for Medical Technologists.


a) To provide highest quality of therapeutic and diagnostic transfusion medicine services for the patients

b) To assure reliable and economical supply of safe blood by providing standard and acceptable hemotherapy services

c) To provide an outstanding education in all aspects of blood banking and transfusion medicine and prepare fellows for a career in a blood center or in a hospital transfusion service, either in an academic center or in a community hospital.

d) To provide support to Govt. initiatives in achieving its objectives and promote research and education programs in transfusion medicine and also to provide consultative services for the state and the country in the field of Transfusion Medicine.


To be the leaders and to maintain good standards in the field of Transfusion Medicine, to assist the clinicians by providing safe, affordable and highest quality of blood and blood products to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital and neighboring hospitals, to undertake therapeutic procedures for critically ill neurological, nephrological and medical patients to develop skilled man power for the state and the country in the specialty and to cater for patient care through research.


List of services given to the patients:

  1. Phlebotomy (Blood collection):
  2. Bloodletting:
  3. Blood Grouping, Patient & Donor:
  4. Cross-matching/Compatibility testing of donated blood bag/unit with Patients blood:
  5. Screening of blood donor:
  6. Screening (HBV, HCV, HIV I & II, Syphilis & Malaria) of indoor & OPD patient:
  7. Coombs’ test (DCT & ICT):
  8. Antibody detection & titration:
  9. Blood component (PRBC, Platelet rich plasma, Fresh plasma/Fresh frozen plasma) preparation:
  10. PRBC, Platelet, MNC, Stem cell collection by apheresis.
  11. Diagnostic & therapeutic plasma-pheresis
  12. Day care blood transfusion:

Academic activities:

I) Undergraduate Teaching: MBBS Student:

A) Group placement for 3rd year MBBS students: 15 days.

B) Lecture class for 5th year students: 05

II) Post-graduate teaching:

Placement for MD/Phil/Diploma in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: 15 days 

III) Training Program for Medical Technologists (Lab) from Govt. & Non-Govt  institute.

BSc- 02 weeks & Diploma- 04 weeks

Presentation at Departmental Scientific seminar in 2021:

  1. Blood Transfusion- how it is safe!
  2. Appropriate use of Blood
  3. Blood Component therapy in Clinical Practice
  4. Therapeutic plasmapheresis in Clinical Practice
  5. Voluntary blood donor motivation.

CME Program:

Every month on 1st Sunday scientific session & dialogue among the doctors and all staff of the department in the Head of the department’s room, RMCH.

Research Activities:

Individual doctors of this department carry out research and publish their work regularly in Medical Journals of home and abroad.

Ongoing research in 2022: Prevalence of HBV carrier by detecting HBc Ab of HBV among HBsAg seronegative Blood donors.

National Activities:

  1. World Blood Donor day 14 June, with slogan “Thank you for saving my life”
  2. Voluntary Blood donation programme on “February 21 – International Language Day”, “March 17 – Bangabandhu’s birth day and National Children’s Day”, “March 26 – Bangladesh Independence Day”,    “August 15 National Mourning day’’, & “December 16 – Victory Day”.

Future Plan:

  1. To strengthen Laboratory services by introducing Apheresis machine, PCR, ELISA, NAT, Hemoglobin electrophoresis machine, Automated Hematology Analyzer, Laminar flow hood, automated per-operative blood salvage instruments, Battery operated Iron chelator, Blood warmer etc.
  2. To open “Motivation & Communication Unit” for increasing voluntary blood donor.
  3. To stablish local network system in Transfusion Medicine Department, RMCH with other Institutional Blood Bank, Private Blood Bank, Voluntary blood donor organization & National Blood Transfusion Center.
  4. To publish half-yearly/Yearly “RMC&H Blood Transfusion Journal”.
  5. To open Post graduation DBS&T, MTM & MD course.


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01Associate Prof.0101No Vacancy
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Head of Department

Faculty Members

1 Dr. Muhammad Mahbub-ul Alam Associate Professor See Details