Department of Anatomy

Introduction: The Department of Anatomy of Rajshahi Medical College, one of country renowned medical institutions. started its activity as center of excellence for learning anatomy since the inception of college in 1958. The Department of Anatomy deals with courses of anatomy of MBBS and BDS students during first one and half year of their curriculum. Post graduate course in M. Phil
Anatomy has started in july 2003. Every year five students get admitted in the course.

Central presentation: Last central presentations in IRB were-
1. Title: Morphological Study of Cadaveric Gall Bladder with its Variation in Relation to Age and Sex of Bangladeshi People.
Presented by Dr. Afrida Anzum,
Postgraduate M Phil student, final part.
IRB Date: 05.06.2021.
2.Title: Naso facial Anthropometric Study among Adult Santal and Bangladeshi of Northern Bangladesh. Presented by Dr. Sharaban Tohura,
Postgraduate M Phil student, final part.
IRB Date: 22.06.2021.
3. Title: Morphometric Analysis of Mental and Mandibular Foramen in Dry Mandible of Bangladeshi Adults.
Presented by Dr. Saian Fariya,
Postgraduate M Phil student, final
part. IRB Date:22.06.2021.

Departmental presentation: Presentation on various important topics of gross anatomy and embryology by the postgraduate students of M Phil Anatomy course occurs weekly.

Weekly departmental meeting: In weekly meeting of the department, progress of course of MBBS & BDS students, their class performances are discussed & reviewed. Decisions are made accordingly.

Postgraduate course: At present M.Phil (Anatomy) course is run by the department under BSMMU.


Department of Anatomy is responsible for teaching pre-clinical students of RMC. The department teaches various discipline of Anatomy namely Gross Anatomy, Embryology, Neuro anatomy, Histology, Radiological Anatomy and Living Anatomy providing special emphasis on general, applied and functional aspects.

Publications: Original articles published-
Weekly departmental meeting:
In weekly meeting of the department, progress of course of MBBS & BDS students, their class
performances are discussed & reviewed. Decisions are made accordingly.
Postgraduate course:
At present M.Phil (Anatomy) course is run by the department under BSMMU.
1. Clinical Evaluation of the Normal Elbow Carrying Angle in Adults: Its Sex and Side Difference
S A Islam, A Afroze, M Hassanuzzaman , S Sharmin
Journal of Satkhira Medical Collage, vol 04; No.02; July 2017
2. Elbow Carrying Angle in Adults: A Radiographic Study.
S A Islam, A Afroze, S Sharmin, M A Kabir
Journal of Satkhira Medical Collage, vol 05; No.01; Jan 2018
3. Morphometric study of Anterior horn of lateral ventricle of Brain in Northern zone.
S Sharmin -ongoing.
4. Mental stress of medical students.
S Sharmin -ongoing.


SLPost NamePostPostedComments
01Professor010001 Vacancy
01Associate Prof.010201 OSD
01Asstt. Prof.020301 OSD
01Curator0101No Vacancy
01Lecturer110803 Vacancy
01Medical Officer0101No Vacancy

Head of Department

Dr Fatima Jomrud Mohol

Associate Prof. & Head of the Department 

Faculty Members

1 Dr Fatima Jomrud Mohol Associate Professor See Details
2 Dr. Zannatul Ferdousi Assistant Professor See Details
3 Demo1 Lecturer See Details
4 Demo10 Lecturer See Details
5 Demo11 Lecturer See Details
6 Demo2 Medical Officer See Details
7 Demo3 Computer Operator See Details